Senin, 27 Februari 2012

Studi Geseran Spektrum UV Senyawa Asam Barbiturat

Studi Geseran Spektrum UV Senyawa Asam Barbiturat Pada Plat Al-TLC Si G 60 F254 Akibat Pengaruh Perbedaan pH Pengeluen Untuk Keperluan Uji Konfirmasi

I. M. A. G. Wirasutaa,b), N. G. Indriyaningsihb), dan N. M. Suaniti b,c)
a)Jurusan Farmasi FMIPA Universitas Udayana, Bukit Jimbaran
b)Lembaga Forensik Sains dan Kriminologi Universitas Udayana,
c)Jurusan Kimia FMIPA Universitas Udayana, Bukit Jimbaran

The UV-spectra-shifting of allobarbital, barbital, butalbital and phenobarbital on AL-TLC-Si gel 60 F254 under exposed different pH eluent, drying TLC-plat at 110oC, and then plat placed at room temperature for more then 17 hours has been carried out. Spectra UV were read by using TLC-Scanner 3 –Camag-Muttenz-Switzerland between 190 and 300 nm.  Aim of this research was to study UV-spectra-shifting which can conduct error by confirmation test using in situ UV spectra.
There was no significant UV-spectra-shifting of barbiturate on TLC-plate after exposed by mobile phase: 10% HCl in methanol (pH=1), chloroform-acetone (80:20, v/v, pH=5), methanol-n-buthanol (60:40, v/v, pH=6), methanol-ammonia (100:1,5, v/v, pH=10) respectively. The significant shifting of UV spectra were obtained after TLC-plate exposed by cyclohexane-toluene-diethyl amine (75:15:10, v/v, pH=11) and 0,1 M KOH in methanol (pH=12), the spectrum shifting was 66% and 23% compared with spectra at pH=1. Drying of the TLC-plates after exposed by mobile phase conducted no significant UV-spectra shifting, except after exposed by cyclohexane-toluene-diethyl amine (the shifting was 45%). Humidity  absorption while placing the TLC-plates at room temperature for more then 17 hours after exposed by strong pH base lead the shifting UV-spectra of barbiturate to the weak base or neutral spectra. These shifting UV-spectra should be taken in consideration on confirmation test of barbiturate based TLC-UV in-situ spectra to reduce error.
Keyword : allobarbital, barbital, butalbital, phenobarbital, AL-TLC-Si gel 60 F254, UV spectrum

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